
研究室近期关于男同性恋/双性恋者对男性化偏好及其影响因素的系列成果发表于Personality and Individual Difference

由郑涌教授指导,博士生张静完成的论文《Consistency in preferences for masculinity in faces, bodies, voices, and personality characteristics among homosexual men in China》考察了中国男同性恋群体的男性化偏好在面孔、身体、声音、特质等四个方面偏好的差异性,结果发现偏好男性化面孔的个体也会偏好男性化的身体、声音以及特质,男同性恋对男性化偏好在四个领域中存在高度的一致性。

由郑涌教授指导,博士生张静完成的论文《Pathogen disgust predicts homosexual men's preference for feminine cues in male voices in China 》研究证实了厌恶敏感性在男同性恋的男性化偏好中扮演着重要的角色,结果发现男同性恋对男性声音的男性化偏好与细菌厌恶呈负相关,而与性厌恶和道德厌恶并无关联,结果表明细菌厌恶敏感性高的个体更偏好女性化的男性声音。

由郑丽军教授完成的论文《Facial masculinity preferences according to relationship status and sociosexual orientation in gay and bisexual men in China》,揭示关系状态与男性化面孔偏好的关系,有男性浪漫关系伴侣的男同性恋与双性恋者更偏好男性化的男性面孔。在单身个体中,对短期性关系更开放的个体,更偏好男性化的男性面孔。




Zhang, J., Zheng, L., & Zheng, Y. (2018). Consistency in preferences for masculinity in faces, bodies, voices, and personality characteristics among homosexual men in china. Personality & Individual Differences, 134, 137-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.06.009


Zhang, J., Zheng, L., & Zheng, Y. (2019). Pathogen disgust predicts homosexual men's preference for feminine cues in male voices in China. Personality & Individual Differences, 138, 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.08.026

Zheng. L. (2019). Facial masculinity preferences according to relationship status and sociosexual orientation in gay and bisexual men in China. Personality & Individual Differences, 138, 243-246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.10.012


Consistency in preferences for masculinity in faces, bodies, voices, and personality characteristics among homosexual men in China

AbstractPrevious studies have demonstrated that women who prefer masculinized features in one domain (e.g., face) also tend to prefer masculinized features in other domains. In the present study, we examined the consistency of homosexual males' preferences for masculinity across four domains: face, body, voice, and personality characteristics. Participants were recruited via the Internet, and comprised 191 bottoms, 99 versatiles, and 54 tops. The results indicated that masculinity preferences remain consistent across the modalities of vision, audition, and personality characteristics, which indicates that gay men who prefer masculine faces tend to prefer masculine bodies, voices, and personality characteristics. Further, significant positive correlations were identified between the masculinity preferences for the four domains, respectively. Our results suggest that preference for masculinity across the four domains represents a common underlying quality of gay men, indicating multiple cues are integrated when forming partner preferences.


Pathogen disgust predicts homosexual men's preference for feminine cues in male voices in China

AbstractPrevious studies have demonstrated positive correlations between pathogen disgust and preference for mates with sex-typical characteristics in heterosexuals. However, evidence on correlations between pathogen-related factors and masculinity preference in homosexual men is limited. The current research extends this evidence by exploring the association between pathogen disgust (measured using the Three Domains of Disgust Scale) and masculinity preference in the domain of voice among homosexual men in China. We observed that homosexual men's preferences for lower pitched (masculine) voices in men was negatively correlated with pathogen disgust, but not with moral or sexual disgust. In other words, homosexual men who have high levels of pathogen disgust tend to prefer feminine cues in male's voices. The findings help us understand the role of pathogen disgust in mate preferences of homosexual men in China.


Facial masculinity preferences according to relationship status and sociosexual orientation in gay and bisexual men in China

Abstract: Research indicates that partnered women prefer masculinized male faces more strongly than unpartnered women. Furthermore, unpartnered women of unrestricted sociosexual orientation tended to prefer masculinized male faces. This study examined whether relationship status had similar effects on the facial masculinity preferences of gay and bisexual men. Results indicated significant differences in such preferences among relationship status groups. Study participants in same-sex and without relationships preferred masculinized faces while those in opposite-sex relationships preferred feminine faces. Gay and bisexual men in same-sex relationships more often preferred masculinized faces compared to those in opposite-sex or without relationships. Participants without relationships more often preferred masculinized faces compared to individuals in opposite-sex relationships. Participants of unrestricted sociosexual orientation and who were without relationships more often preferred masculinized faces. There was no significant correlation between sociosexual orientation and facial masculinity preference for participants in same-sex relationships. These findings support the proposal that individuals in relationships tend to focus on sex-typical characteristics that indicate health cues with short-term advantages while individuals without relationships tend to focus on characteristics with long-term advantages.
